87th Student Art Show
Social Media & Cataloug

Ball State University School of Art organizes an annual Juried Student Show. Studio 165+ has been commissioned to develop the concept and promotional materials for the BSU Annual Student Juried Art Show.
The student team who worked on this project were Victoria Bacon, Rosalie Buckley, Grace Engel, Anika Gaska, Jake Gesick, Rhianna Lohmiller, Sydney Merryman, Kyra Morgan, Lydia Rang, and Fletcher Spence.
Studio 165+
Official Poster & Vinyl
The celebratory theme is in honor of the hard work School of Art students.
The cake is modeled after the School of Art building, showing the different classrooms, studios, and majors.
This is the official wall vinyl of the Student Art Show. This is hung in front of the Ned and Gloria Art Gallery at Ball State University.
After the winners are chosen, Studio 165+ creates a 100+ page catalog featuring each of the juror-selected artworks in the show.
Page dividers I made were:
Letter from the Director
Juror’s Statement
Table of contents
Foundations Glass

Vinyl Design

Poster Design

"Letter from the Director" Divider
"Juror's Statement" Divider

Table of Contents, Foundations, and Glass Dividers
Winner Certificates & Thank You’s
Studio 165+ was responsible forcreating twenty-two winner certificates as well as
a ‘thank you’ social media post.

Thank You Social Media Post
